Healthy living is not as hard as it seems. It starts by eating right. Eating nutritious food can prevent diseases like heart disease and diabetes. More importantly, a healthy diet can help people who already suffer from these conditions manage them better.
“Healthy eating” might mean different things to different people, but the goal is always the same: to develop a habit of eating foods that give us the nutrients we need to be healthy. Ready to start your journey towards better health? Here’s what the experts suggest.
Eating good food is the key to good health. It’s all about eating foods that are packed with essential vitamins and minerals, all while keeping your fat to a minimum. For example, eating high-fiber foods is smart, and so is having five servings of fruits and vegetables every day. It’s also important to be mindful of portion sizes so as not to consume more calories than your body can burn each day.
A balanced diet, along with regular exercise, is the foundation of good health. Watch out, though, for trendy diets that promise quick results. They can be hard to stick to and can even be harmful to our health. Instead, consider a sustainable approach to your diet that focuses on healthy options.
It might be time to reevaluate your diet if you’ve answered “yes” to any of these questions. Do you have medical issues, like high blood pressure or high cholesterol, that your doctor is worried about? Do you have diseases in your family history, like diabetes or heart disease? Have you gained weight? Are you confused about what kind of food you should eat, or if you should take dietary supplements? If these ring true for you, consider talking to a health professional about your diet.
Switching to a healthier diet can be tough, but it’s doable. Here are some tips to boost your health — just remember to stay in touch with your health provider:
1. Check your diet: Are you eating enough fruits and vegetables? Getting enough calcium? Eating whole grains and high-fiber foods? If not, try including these foods in your diet.
2. Keep track of what you eat and drink: Writing down what you’re eating and drinking can help you find areas where you might need to make changes.
3. Talk to a dietitian: They can give personalized advice, especially if you have specific health problems.
Reducing unhealthy fat is a surefire way to eating healthier. If you often eat fatty foods, consider these tips:
1. Try baking, grilling, or broiling meat instead of frying it. Remove the skin from chicken or turkey before you cook, and aim to eat fish at least once every week.
2. Lower your eating of extra fats, like butter on bread or salad dressings. Opt for low-fat or fat-free options instead.
3. Increase your eating of fruits and vegetables.
4. When buying food, check the nutrition labels on the products. Ask your health provider or dietitian for help if you’re having trouble understanding the labels.
5. When eating out, look out for hidden fats and oversized portion sizes.
Keeping hydrated is also important. Choose drinks that have low or no calories, like water or tea. Drinks with lots of sugar like fruit juices, soda, and sweetened tea can add unnecessary sugar and calories to your diet.
Remember, there’s no magic bullet to improving your diet. Eating a variety of whole foods gives the best benefits. Be careful about diet programs or products that promise miraculous results – remember, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is! Set attainable diet goals. Start with cutting back on unhealthy fats or making small changes in your diet. Prioritize your health journey. It’s worth it!
*This article is written by Anamika Singh, a content marketer at Rotimatic.