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Want to monitor your heart rate? Loads of brands such as Polar, Adidas, Nike, Garmin, and Fitbit offer heart rate monitors. All you’ve got to do is put one on when you wake up, and that’s it! Your usual heart rate when you’re resting is the number that shows up the most—it should be about 60-90 beats per minute.
But wait, what if you don’t have a monitor? No problem, here’s a three-step method to figure out your resting heart rate yourself. Remember, it’s best to do this before you’ve worked out, eaten, or had caffeine, ideally right after waking up.
1. Sit down in a relaxed manner, preferably on a chair with armrests and keep your feet on the floor.
2. Gently place two fingers on your wrist (radial artery) or neck (carotid artery). Now, count your pulse for 15 seconds and then multiply the result by 4.
3. Repeat this, calculate the average—and there you have it! That’s your resting heart rate!
Generally, a healthy adult’s heart rate is between 60-80 beats per minute. If you’re a young athlete or if you’re sleeping, it might even drop to 40-60.
Now, let’s talk about tracking your heart rate during exercise to reach your goals. The best method is using Karvonen’s Formula like this:
1. Subtract your age and resting heart rate from 220 to get your reserve heart rate.
2. Then, multiply that by your desired workout intensity percentage and add your resting heart rate back. That’s your target heart rate!
For example, let’s say I’m 35 with a resting heart rate of 70, and I want to burn fat which requires working out at 60-80% intensity.
First: 220 – 35 (age) – 70 (resting heart rate) = 115 (reserve heart rate)
60% – 115 * 0.60 (intensity) + 70 (resting heart rate) = 139 (target heart rate 1)
80% – 115 * 0.80 (intensity) + 70 (resting heart rate) = 162 (target heart rate 2)
So, when I’m doing cardio, I need to try and keep my heart rate between 139 and 162 beats per minute for optimal fat burning.
But how do you track your heart rate during a workout?
– You can use a heart rate monitor or fitness bracelet.
– Some exercise machines have built-in heart rate sensors.
When it comes to perceiving your effort:
– At 60% intensity, talking should be possible, but with some effort.
– At 80% intensity, you can still say a full sentence, take a breath, and continue, but you shouldn’t be gasping for air.
Remember, keep track of your heart rates. It helps you get the most out of your workouts safely!