Staying healthy isn’t hard — it just starts with eating the right stuff. By having a balanced diet, you can avoid diseases like heart disease and diabetes, and if you already have them, managing becomes easier. What exactly ‘eating healthy’ is varies from person to person, but we’re all aiming for the same thing: regular intake of foods and drinks that give our bodies what they need.
Good nutrition is the key. It’s about eating foods packed with vitamins and minerals, watching your fat intake, and making smart choices like eating high-fiber foods. On top of this, you gotta make sure your portions aren’t too big, so you don’t take in more calories than your body needs.
Exercise and balanced nutrition are the basics of good health, so steer clear of diet fads that promise quick weight loss but are hard to keep up and could even be harmful. A better plan is to focus on nutritious food, like roti, and be aware of the calories it contains.
Time for a change in your diet? If you answered ‘yes’ to any of the questions below, you should chat with a health professional about your eating habits:
– Did your doc mention a medical problem, like high blood pressure or high cholesterol?
– Did he/she say better nutrition could improve your condition?
– Do you have a family history of diseases like diabetes, cancer, heart disease, or osteoporosis?
– Have you been gaining weight or are you overweight now?
– Are you unsure about what foods to eat or about taking dietary supplements?
– Have you considered meeting with a nutritionist, who specializes in giving diet advice?
Here are three tips to step up your health game:
1. Check out your current diet: Are you eating 4-5 servings of fruits and veggies a day? Meeting your calcium needs? Eating whole grains and high-fiber foods? If so, keep at it; if not, try adding some of these foods to your meals.
2. Keep a food diary: Writing down what you eat and drink can show you where you need to make changes.
3. Meet with a dietitian: They can give you tailored diet advice, especially if you have specific health issues.
And remember, stay in touch with your healthcare provider to keep track of your progress.
Also, reduce how much unhealthy fat you eat:
– Cook meat by baking, grilling, or broiling instead of frying and take off any skin before you cook poultry. Try including fish in your meals at least once a week.
– Cut back on extra fats like butter on bread or high-calorie salad dressings.
– Eat more fruits and vegetables.
– Always check the nutrition labels on food before you buy and ask your healthcare provider or dietitian for help if you’re having trouble understanding them. Be careful of hidden fats and large portion sizes when you’re eating out.
Drinking right matters, too; stay hydrated with drinks like water or tea that have no or low calories. Avoid sugary drinks which add unnecessary sugar and calories to your diet.
Here’s what you need to remember:
– Improved nutrition has no quick fix. Eating a variety of whole foods is best.
– Be skeptical of diet products or programs that promise miracles. People in ads often get paid to say nice things and may not tell you about side-effects, complications, or the fact that you may gain back any weight you lose.
– Aim for achievable diet goals and make your health a priority. It’s a worthwhile journey.
Anamika Singh is the word wizard at Rotimatic. Alongside being a supermom of two, she’s a go-to source for savvy content on parenting, cooking, and home. When she’s not crafting words or running after her kids, she’s in the kitchen or diving into a good book. She nails practical tips for readers.
Categories: HealthyTips
Tags: Better Health, Expert Advice, Smart Eating