Embrace the New Year with these 12 Dynamic Weight-Loss Strategies: Making your Resolution a Victorious Reality! – healthysdigest

Embrace the New Year with these 12 Dynamic Weight-Loss Strategies: Making your Resolution a Victorious Reality!

Embrace the New Year with these 12 Dynamic Weight-Loss Strategies: Making your Resolution a Victorious Reality!

After all the holiday fun in 2015, you might find yourself dealing with some extra weight and a fridge full of leftovers. Wondering how to make good on your 2016 weight-loss resolution? Don’t worry, it’s not as hard as you think. Here’s a practical guide to help you succeed:

1. Doable Goals: The main reason we often fail on our fitness journey is because we set unrealistic goals. It’s not possible to lose 10 pounds in one week without risking our health. Try aiming for 1 to 2 pounds a week instead. Remember, consistency and determination are key – you can’t make drastic changes overnight.

2. Hydrate: Feeling hungry right after a meal? You may just be thirsty. Try drinking more water throughout the day and during meals to help you feel fuller.

3. Plan Ahead: A solid, achievable plan will help you stay on track better than vague aspirations. Don’t add to the pile of failed “I’ll start next Monday” promises – create a concrete timeline for your goals.

4. Write it Down: Document your plans, goals, and progress. Having your plans and achievements in writing makes them more real, and can motivate you to stick to your goal.

5. Small Goals: Rather than aiming for a big change instantly, why not break it down into smaller, achievable goals? Maybe the first week could be cutting out fried food; the second week could involve walking to work or taking the stairs instead of the elevator. Each small success counts towards your larger goal.

6. Regular Progress Checks: Keep a record of your achievements, however small they might seem. Seeing them on paper can provide a significant motivational boost and will help you maintain your streak.

7. Snack Smart: Instead of waiting for three main meals a day, try dividing your daily food intake into five smaller meals. This can help curb hunger pangs and promote better food choices.

8. Cut Bad Habits: This is crucial. Try to minimize letting your cravings control you, and opt for healthier alternatives instead. For instance, replace those sodas in your fridge with water.

9. Stay True: Stick to your plans and goals as closely as possible. This is the backbone of your success.

10. Reward Yourself: Hard work deserves a little treat, and it won’t derail your efforts as long as you keep it in check. Maybe you fancy a part of that delicious chocolate bar? Go ahead. Also, consider non-food related rewards like a new pair of running shoes.

11. Treat Yourself: Denying all your cravings isn’t the key to success. If you’ve lost 5 pounds in a week, you deserve a reward. Just remember to keep everything in moderation.

12. Take Breaks: It’s okay to stumble and make mistakes. When you find yourself struggling, take a break, recharge, and then come back stronger. Remember, your weight-loss journey is a marathon, not a sprint.

Most importantly, remember that your weight loss resolution for 2016 isn’t just a makeover; it’s a lifestyle change. Keep up the good work, and success will be yours!

About Chie Suarez
Chie is a writer from the Philippines who loves fitness. She writes for FitBiz, a company that sells brand name fitness equipment. In her free time, she likes to jog, walk, and relax.