Today, it’s harder than ever to stay focused on the “here and now”. Instead of being okay with idleness, we often whip out our phones anytime we have a free moment. But this struggle to stay in the moment is not as meaningless as it seems. Especially during stressful times, it can negatively impact our mental and physical health. Luckily, regular meditation can help us reconnect with the present moment.
Here’s how meditation can boost your health:
1. **Minimizes Stress**
Often, we underestimate how much stress impacts our health. Long-lasting stress can be seriously damaging. It can mess up our sleep, make us overeat, and even cause our hair to thin. Worse still, it can lead to heart and stomach problems, among other issues. Taking steps to reduce stress can change our lives for the better.
Meditation can be a real game-changer when dealing with stress. It combats the negative impacts of a hormone known as cortisol, which is increased by stress and causes harmful inflammation in our body. Mindfulness meditation, which trains the mind to focus on the present, has shown to reduce this inflammation. If you’re feeling stressed, consider giving meditation a shot.
2. **Aids in Managing Pain**
Around 50 million Americans deal with continuous pain. Those in constant pain know how tough it is to manage even simple tasks. Recently, more and more doctors are moving away from opioid prescriptions due to addiction risks. They’re looking into alternative methods like cognitive behavioral therapy, acupuncture, physical therapy, and also meditation.
Research shows that meditation can increase pain tolerance, and even offer relief from lower back pain. Be sure to check with your doctor before you try meditation for pain.
3. **Reduces Depression**
Depression can seriously hinder the enjoyment of life. It can deter people from finding meaning, as they can no longer relish activities they used to love.
Meditation can combat stress and anxiety, often triggering depression. Both these conditions stem from negative thoughts about oneself and an inability to imagine an improved future. Mindfulness meditation can disrupt this negativity by training the mind to refocus on the present.
4. **Lowers Blood Pressure**
Heart disease causes a large number of premature deaths worldwide. We all could do with a better focus on heart health.
Reducing our blood pressure is an effective way to improve heart health. High blood pressure forces the heart to work harder and can damage the arteries, leading to heart attacks or strokes. Meditation, along with a good diet, can assist in lowering blood pressure. Researchers found that types of meditation like transcendental and mindfulness can help to relax the brain, resulting in decreased blood pressure.
So, why not give it a try? It’s never been easier to start meditating. Some online videos can guide you through the basics. You’ll soon have everything you need to kick off your meditation journey.
So, give it a shot! Who knows? It just might become your new favorite health habit.