In the past, going to the doctor wasn’t an easy process. It entailed a day off work, waiting in crowded rooms collecting germs, and dealing more with nurses and receptionists than the doctor. Telemedicine, which offers doctor’s appointments via video call, is shaking up that old routine. While it won’t replace all in-person visits, for many, it’s a practical solution giving them access to medical help while staying at home.
Over the years, telemedicine is becoming more popular. How will this industry progress in 2020? Several factors could spur its growth.
Firstly, great strides in technology have made telemedicine a reality. Not too long ago, connecting with doctors over live video was unthinkable. Nowadays, with continually advancing tech, telemedicine is more accessible worldwide. Health apps and teledoc programs get more user-friendly every year, allowing people to make virtual doctor’s appointments, talk to professionals, and even obtain prescriptions easily. Plus, with telemedicine, there’s no need to take time off work, aligning medical help with people’s schedules.
Moreover, telemedicine isn’t only enjoyed by patients. Insurance companies are now covering these virtual appointments, encouraging policyholders to consider them over traditional office visits. For instance, even though telemedicine services weren’t covered by Medicare in 2018, nowadays they are, and many states require private insurers to cover these virtual visits. Doctors, too, are welcoming this technology with open arms. An American Well survey found that, from 2015 to 2018, physicians offering telemedicine services jumped 340%! Additionally, 77% of patients expressed their willingness to see a virtual doctor, suggesting this growing demand will continue.
Telemedicine existed initially for general practitioners, but now various specializations are growing within this field. It benefits dermatologists, psychiatrists, pediatricians, cardiology, neurology, and even obstetrics/gynecology, with the help of remote monitoring equipment. For those embarrassed or unable to make a traditional appointment, this solution is a game-changer.
Doctors fresh out of school are lending significant support to this trend. Being digital natives, they adopt advancements like telemedicine naturally. As such, providing effective virtual care, termed ‘webside manner,’ is becoming a key competency taught in med-school curriculums.
During unprecedented situations, like the COVID-19 pandemic, telemedicine proved its mettle as a powerful tool. This service allowed virus screening at home, keeping possible patients from spreading the virus at clinics. While it can be expensive for those without insurance, it eases medical consultations amidst health fears and social distancing.
Looking to the future, telemedicine, that was once the stuff of sci-fi, is becoming a regular fixture on the healthcare landscape. The telemedicine industry is poised to evolve, thrive, and, hopefully, make healthcare a more streamlined, patient-focused experience.