Cosmetic surgery, especially liposuction, is becoming more popular and so widespread that in Australia alone, it’s estimated to be a billion-dollar industry yearly! About 30,000 of these operations are liposuction, a method used to suck out fat from specific parts of the body. There are different types people can choose from, like laser-guided, tumescent, power, ultrasonic, or water-jet assisted liposuction.
The main reason people opt for liposuction is to get rid of stubborn fat that just won’t go away with dieting or working out. But beyond making us look and feel better, liposuction can also bring about some real health benefits.
For instance, heavy breasts can cause health problems like back and neck pain, breathing issues, poor posture, and skin irritations. Liposuction can help decrease the size of breasts by up to half, without leaving much trace of surgery. It also does not affect your ability to breastfeed and delivers more natural-looking results than some other surgeries.
Liposuction can also be used to treat some medical conditions, like Lymphoedema – a long-term health issue that can cause swelling and pain. Liposuction can help manage this condition by removing fat from the affected limb. This treatment, first brought to attention by Professor Håkan Brorson from Sweden, has proven to be successful.
Moreover, liposuction can be used to treat lipomas, lipodystrophy syndrome, underarm sweating, and even some pain-related conditions, such as Dercum’s disease. Research has found that liposuction can significantly reduce chronic pain related to this disease.
After certain traumatic injuries, liposuction can turn out to be helpful. One such instance is where liposuction is used to thin the skin layer after lower limb fractures have been healed. Patients have reported that liposuction helps improve their physical function and aesthetic concerns.
Liposuction has evolved over the years. Now, there’s what’s called ‘mega liposuction,’ a procedure that can remove large volumes of fat, up to 10 liters over several sessions, to jumpstart weight loss. Though it can’t cure obesity, it can significantly alter the body’s shape.
However, to reap the benefits of liposuction – be it cosmetic or health, ensure you choose a center with experienced staff and government accreditation. It’s also crucial to maintain a healthy diet and exercise routine. If you’re considering liposuction, start by booking a consultation with a clinic to get an obligation-free assessment.